Sunday, September 08, 2002

We arrived at the condo at about 12:15 am.

Lucy, the 1 year-old Solomon Island Eclectus, was good as gold the whole trip. She didn't scream or flutter or show fear throughout the tire repair fiasco. Tools and air guns, she took in stride. Staying up 4 hours past her bedtime didn't faze her much either. She was obedient and quiet during the whole stay.

She is terrified by seagulls, though.

We parked her playtree in front of the sliding glass door to the balcony. One night, someone on one of the lower balconies fed the gulls, which brought them swooping and calling outside our windows. Lucy leaped from her tree and took off at a dead run to a spot behind the couch to hide. I picked her up and put her on my shoulder, which usually calms her. When I sat down, she jumped from my shoulder and tried to burrow into the corner of the sofa. She has never been so frightened of anything. She didn't calm down until we put her in her cage for several minutes.

Little does she know that she has the voice to put them to flight. If she ever learns, we'll never be able to stay there again.

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