Sunday, May 29, 2005

I've gone about this all wrong.

I've said time and again that Lucy is a good helper. She has been helping me today with Charlie. She helped mix his formula and feed him. She helped demonstrate a bath in the sink. She showed him it was okay to eat on the playstand. In return, she's mainly left him alone.

It might be getting through to her that we have a baby on our hands.

Speaking of a baby, at about 8:20 Charlie jumped from his perch and came to my chair. He was full as a tick today. Food was not the problem. I picked him up and he was squawking.

I held him close and petted him. He responds much like a cat. After a while he was blissing, when I found the proper arc down his head.

I sang him the prettiest lullaby I know. I bet Jordana knows this one, since it came to me from a Peter, Paul and Mary album, circa 1964:
Don't you cry,
Go to sleep little baby.
When you wake
You shall have
All the pretty little horses --
Dapples and greys, pintos and bays --
All the pretty little horses.
If you know more of the verses, Jordana, send them on. Please? That's all I remember.

UPDATE: And so we get the "My Little Ponies" industry. "Rockabye Baby" doesn't give itself to that kind of treatment. Try that, capitalists.

UPDATE: Miss Francesca sends along this version:
Hush-a-bye, don't you cry,
go to sleepy, little baby.
And when you wake, you shall have cake,
And all the pretty little horses.

Black and bay, dapple and grey,
Coach and six white horses.

Mammy loves, and Pappy loves,
and Mammy loves her little baby.
So hush-a-bye, don't you cry,
go to sleepy, little baby.

Black and bay, dapple and grey,
Coach and six white horses.

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