Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Leona Helmsley

Idiot twits.

I picked up six 33-gallon bags of clothes OFF THE FLOOR in the room Michael was using.

This is how we live in MY house, you jerk.

Spend $300 on a hotel room, don't pick up your own damned mess.


  1. Um, I don't produce that much dirty laundry in a week. Six 33 gallon bags? I might not do that in a month.

  2. Janis1:34 PM

    Sugar, you probably have discarded some clothes since you were 22.

  3. It's a laundry problem. "I don't have anything clean to wear, better buy something new."


  4. Sugar, you probably have discarded some clothes since you were 22.

    Some, but not as much as I should have. (If I ever take possession of my garage I'm going to get rid of a lot of clothes, damn it all.)

    As for the laundry problem: @@

  5. I cleaned out the guest room where our daughter lived for a year - much the same experience. The bed linens were so disgusting I just threw them away and bought new - new mattress cover, new pillows, the whole kit and caboodle. I don't understand it, honestly.

  6. Same thing here.

    What's the matter with kids?


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