Monday, February 09, 2004

I really needed a nap at about noon today after waking at 4:30 this morning.

I take such naps on the sofa in the great room because the sofa is comfy and I have interesting dreams there, and so Lucy will be quiet and not squawk for attention. I returned Lucy to her cage, settled into position with pillow and lap blanket, and said "Lucy, let's be quiet. Janis is taking nap."

I closed my eyes and began to drift.

Soon I heard a little child's voice softly calling "Janis ... Janis."

"Hey, Lucy, what is it?"

"Janis, what you doing?"

"I'm resting, Lucy. Let's be quiet."

Time passes and again a little voice says "Janis ...."

"Yes, Lucy."

"What you doing?"

"Taking nap, Lucy."

"Janis take nap?"

"Yes, Lucy. You should, too."

A little spurt of childish laughter.

A little while later, it's "Janis, what you doing?" then "What you doing, Lucy?"

Then "What you doing, Lucy?" Then a little laugh.

On and on.

My little one needs to learn more words. But she didn't squawk. And I did manage the nap.

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