Sunday, July 28, 2002

Mr. Betta bit the dust.

Did your town go through the phase of the "War and Peace" arrangement, you know, the shapely vase with the rocks and a Samurai Fighting Fish and a cup in the top with more rocks and a Peace plant?

When we returned from a trip to Italy two summers ago, the first thing my friend Cossie asked was if I wanted a fish. Ask somebody in Louisiana if they want a fish and the Louisianan will ask "Is it cleaned?" Cossie, who is a wonderful cook, but not given to other crafty pursuits, had been bitten by the "War and Peace" bug. She had made arrangements for all of her other friends and wouldn't hear of me being without one.

It was actually very pretty and made a nice ornament for the coffee table. Mr. Betta survived a bout of the "ick" and a crashing fall to the floor that broke his jar. Now Mr. Betta is dead of old age.

RIP, little Betta guy.

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